Wednesday, April 06, 2005


As a side note, we don't count the day of our birthday or the day we're in. So, with simple additions from yesterday, my birthday is the 27th. Just fyi. I was going to talk about something... Oh well, I forgot. No, wait! The AR trip! I'm going to Houston today to tour a museum, shop at the mall, and watch an Astros game. Accelerated Reader is a program we started back in first grade. We read books then take quizzes for points. I've gone on every AR trip since they started going places. We used to buy things with our points, but have since substituted field trips. Fun fun! I know we'll have a blast. Well, hope everybody's having a good day! With my counting system, we have 20 days left! Yay! I'll explain about Kim tomorrow. Love y'all!

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