Friday, July 25, 2008

Movie Review!!!

Ok, for the record, Dark Knight was AMAZING!!! Heath Ledger was the best I've ever seen him, and I was incredibly impressed with the actors all around. The plot was decent, and the Joker was wonderfully deceptive. I liked the way the plot introduced another villain, too. It was rather long, but the action never stopped, so it wasn't too terribly drawn-out. We kept thinking, ok, it's almost over, thinking we'd been sitting in the theater for a long time, and then check our watches and realize we still had an hour left. All in all, an amazing movie, one that I will most likely own when it comes out on DVD, and a part for which Heath Ledger deserves an award. It saddens me that he will never again grace the big screen with his amazing talent. Have y'all seen it? What did you think? Let me know!

Monday, July 07, 2008

The Verdict

Steve and I broke up last night. And we're okay. We're still friends. In fact, we hung out almost all day today. I called in to work because I could barely see what I was doing, and we went and ate dinner, and just spent time hanging out and talking. It was a nice change from the pressure of being in a relationship, and I really think we'll stay close friends. I'm taking my dog, Rose to Courtney's when she moves in to her apartment, and I'm sure I'll be over there most of the time when she gets all settled in.

I have a new puppy, by the way. Her name is Rose, and she's a beagle and dachshund mix. She's super cute and very sweet, and Steve gave her to me for a belated birthday gift.

I don't really know what else to say. Classes start tomorrow. And I guess I'll figure out how my online class is going to go. I'll update with more when I have more to say. Love y'all.