Wednesday, March 23, 2005


It's spring in the wood pile. The trees and flowers are blossoming and blooming. The pollen is running in yellow rivers down the sidewalks after our periodic showers... But it's so gorgeous!!! I mean, who couldn't help being amazed by the blue Texas skies and soft, green grass? It's delicious! Ok, I know that sounds strange, but I'm one who would love to live in a perpetually spring to fall to spring atmosphere. Skip summer and winter completely as long as it's still warm enough to swim.

Does anybody else like french fries on their hamburger? And lots of ketchup... I'm having a great day, thanks for asking. Hope y'all are stayin cool and safe! Love y'all! Toodles!


Buffalokill said...

First off.... it snowed today. dang it.

Second off.... i love fries on my burgers. The Paul Bunyans Burger joint here sells a 'pizza burger'. And it is my all time favorite burger in the whole wide world.

It's just pizza sauce, lots of cheese, and a patty. And it is a beautiful thing indeed. But like putting my fries on it.

Spatula said...

Sweet! Finally, someone who get it! Now to explain to the masses...

Buffalokill said...

dear masses,

putting fried on yer burger is good.

so like it!!!

Spatula said...

I guess that'll do it!