Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Gettin Stuck

I wrote that last post before this happened, so I thought it would be appropriate to separate them. Ok, last night we went to get my father unstuck at our pasture down the road from our house. This pasture is chock-full of gumbo! If you northerners don’t know what that is, it’s best described as dark clay-like dirt that clings to everything and makes for awesome muddin in any season. Anyway, we had the HARDEST time getting out of that sludge! You can see the four-wheelers and our clothing. http://photobucket.com/albums/y59/pampam05/ It was… fun, if a bit messy. We raced home on the highway (illegal, I know, but necessary). Got home at about 11:30 (we left at 10) and took off our muddy outer layers under the carport and ran inside, got showers, and went to bed. I’m now tired and injured. The rope burn is from the rope we were going to pull the other 4-wheeler out with. It got caught on the tire and pulled off into the mud. Unfortunately, it was still around my wrist at that point. I got a hole in my finger from lifting the gate. That really hurt, but I didn’t even cry! Aren’t y’all proud? Well, after my night of adventure, it is MY job to clean off the buggies and make sure everything is back where it belongs. Oh joy. Well, toodles! Love to all.


Buffalokill said...

i gotta go down to Texas sometime. It looks mighty perty right about now.

Maybe someday I'll make that trip down to Bowie, to see my mom's side of the fam.

Buffalokill said...

oh yea....

I'm real proud that you didn't cry like a little sissy girl. heh.

Anonymous said...

its SPAM!! can you take one good guess at who this is...?? Thats right..its ARC..the Cokester...Crocker..Choker...Poker...its me Ashley. :-) i have just started my page..its called Cokers World. I only have one entry, but hey its a start. chat later. Tootles!!

Spatula said...

Yeah, you're right. Texas is GORGEOUS this time of year. My finger's a little better, but still sore. My wrist hurts pretty bad, but Mema said that would hurt just because it's on the surface. Just in case I can't post (since the computer's acting retarded), I have a prom date!!! Accordingly, my father has issued threats... whatever. Besides, if anything happened I have the sneaky suspicion that my friends from the northwest would promptly come and avenge me. Lol. It would almost be worth it to actually meet them... Nah, not quite.

Buffalokill said...

oh yes! we'd come on down with guns a blazin!

exactly where they'd be blazin, I'm not really sure of... but it sounds tuff.

Spatula said...

Ha! Yeah, at least it sounds tuff. :P