Thursday, March 17, 2005

Maybe I'm weird...

Is it weird that I like to walk into a room with a swinging door and not actually touch the door? Hehe. Maybe I'm weird. Ok, so I'm definitely weird. But today is MUCH better than yesterday. After my frustrated blog I went to the band hall. You know, consoling people and/or listening to other people's problems really helps when you're feeling down. Carl had a difficult seventh period (don't ask, Lil Sis, confidential) and we started talking and I felt tons better! More later! Toodles.


Buffalokill said...


So you feel better cos Carl has worse problems???

yer bad.

Spatula said...

What, you've never felt better about your life after you go to places like the hospital or watch the news? It's like seeing the extreme and realizing you're dumb, spazzing about retarded stuff.

Buffalokill said...

haha. I guess yer right Pam. Seeing you in all your misery, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. haha. uhh... just kidding.

but seriously, i know what you mean.

Spatula said...

Thanks bunches.