Sunday, March 20, 2005

Praise the Lord! Pass the...

Casserole! Hehe. In light of it being Sunday, my reflections on my religion of practice are as follows: agree with most everything except the dancing and drinking policies. Now don't misunderstand, I don't approve of drinking and driving or getting so smashed you can't see or walk straight, but I, being a teenager and rather inexperienced in that field, see nothing wrong with consuming, as long as it's not in excess. But maybe that's just me. The whole dancing thing just kills me! Watch Footloose! Lol. Great movie, if rather cheesy. But on with the day. I really do love going to church, and I feel sorry for people who aren't in a position to go every Sunday. Or Saturday, depending on denomination. Which is another thing that's incredibly flexible with me. I haven't had a chance to explore different views and choose my own. I don't know if I will when I get out into the world, but it's a thought. A special thanks to Erik and all who do for your prayers and thoughts. This whole blog thing is really a whole 'nother experience than what I expected. Thanks for making it great commenters and friends! Hope it's interesting. Well, love to all and toodles! Got to take my big bro back to college bc we're having tons of car trouble, so I'll get home kinda late tonight, but I'll talk to y'all tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you.