Monday, May 02, 2005


Wimmin are dumb! I mean, golly! I'm one, I know, but some women are just plain rock-dumb! We saw this guy lose control of his truck and go off the road. He stops in the ditch and gets out. He's perfectly alright. I stop and let him use my phone along with a couple of guys and some women in a van. The women in the van call the police! I mean, if there was more than one car involved or injuries, I can see that, but just one guy? Now he's going to get a ticket for losing control of his vehicle! Stupid! Even I know better than to call in on something like that! Good grief!!! I can't believe how stupid some people are...


Firefly said...

Yeah is getting annoying. we could just kill all the stupid ones....hmmmmmhmmmm. Courtney...... hehe!

Spatula said...

Well, not Porkchop. She's purty smart when it comes to all that. But it just made me so mad! Of all the dumb things to pull!

Spatula said...

Yeah, not a bad idea where we live... but she wasn't exactly "chick" quality. And the guy wasn't drunk. He was getting the wrapper off of his honey-bun while drinking a Yoo-hoo and driving all at the same time. Lol.

Spatula said...

I just deleted it. I know, it was pretty bad. I only remembered I could do that on my way home, so I got on as soonas I could and got rid of it. Sorry Lil Sis! :(

Anonymous said...

haha, you think that's dumb, you should see some of the girls here at CAL POLY. Man some of them are just so clueless

Buffalokill said...

I have had first hand experience with this one.

It was completely my fault. But I had a steel bar in a cardboard box in the bed of the pickup truck. And it caught the wind, and blew out, hitting a guys windshield. Everyone was fine, and we exchanged info, but the guy just had to call the cops in. So the cop just showed up, wrote me a 200 buck ticket for "unsecure load" and left. I was so pissed.