Thursday, May 26, 2005


Sorry, but I HAVE to shout this from the rooftops! I got an interview!!! For the Smith-Hutson scholarship! At 2 pm on June 9th (yes, I know it's VBS, but I'll just leave at about 11 that day and it'll be fine)! And if I get it, I won't EVER HAVE TO PAY A DIME FOR COLLEGE!!! It's 44,000 SMACKAROOS! Whoa!!!

Ok, I'm better now. Not really, but I'm a tad bit calmer. Hope y'all's day went as good as mine! My speech (the revised and non-posted edition) was approved and is 6 minutes and 22 seconds long, but it's full of good stuff. I had a WONDERFUL last few days, and after tomorrow I'll be looking forward to VBS and my interview and the beach and sleeping late and no work and cooking and cleaning... Yay! Toodles! Love to all!


Spatula said...

I thought so too. :D

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. You should be real proud of yourself!

Anonymous said...

AWESOME Pam!!! You big smarty pants :)

Spatula said...

Thanks bunches y'all! Now I just have to have a good interview...

Spatula said...

Hehe. Will do. But I won't know for sure until the 17th, eight days after the interview. Those are probably going to be the longest eight days of my life. :\