Sunday, May 29, 2005

Bittersweet Commencement

I gradjee-ated! Yay! The ceremony was great, and I pulled my speech off without a hitch, so that was cool. Then we had some family over for a little party, then bed and an almost late morning. It doesn't feel any different than being in High School. It just feels like I'll go back to school next week. It doesn't even feel like summer break! Go figure. Went to the lake yesterday. Fun fun. Today was our church homecoming. The singing group that was there had a cute guy in it, 19 yrs old, and my wonderful *rolls eyes* preacher decides to ask from the stage if I had met him. By this time I had shaken his hand about three times, so he turned around and shook my had another time, then again, while I informed them that it was time number 4, then 5. Funny, but really embarrassing. Needless to say, he didn't actually speak to me about anything. What a way to ruin any chances with a guy. But if God has plans there's nothing I can do to stop them, so we'll see. He's going to college about an hour away from where I'll be. So there's always that chance... This lack of anybody real here is starting to hurt worse and worse. I feel like life is taking off and I'm stuck in last place. But I'm not even moving! I know, Porkchop's mom told me not to rush things, but can't there be somebody to make the waiting a little easier?


Spatula said...

It can't possibly hurt this bad forever, right?

Anonymous said...

welcome to the club, enjoy the rest of your fun, care-free days while they last. nah, just kiddin. College is tons of fun, but you must find the right kind of friends to hang out with, one of the most important things

Spatula said...

Yeah, those won't be a problem. A whole bunch of my buds from school will be there, so my group is pretty set already. At least for the first week until I meet new people in class and around campus. But that's the fun part!

Spatula said...

Yeah, but He sure likes to make 'em look really really big, doesn't He?

Anonymous said...

EXCUSE ME!!!!(Dragonfly)
***SOAP BOX***
There is no pain greater than loss and heartache. Your heart is the most precious (and delicate) thing that you have to offer someone. Be careful whom you choose to let hold it. They will NOT return it in the same condition. Whether it is returned in better condition (rarely) or worse.......YOU are forever changed. That is all I meant by not being in a hurry. ***END***

Spatula said...

Thanks for the clarification Mom. I know this from small experiences already, but that's a great way to put it. "Whether it is returned in better condition (rarely) or worse.......YOU are forever changed."

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