Monday, May 23, 2005

Drum roll please...

What you've all been waiting for... Pictures! Yay! Finally!
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These are three of five senior pics. The rest can be seen at my photobucket acct.


Spatula said...

Thanks. Will do. :D

Spatula said...

"In the third grade, my long-time friend dubbed me "Spatula" without presenting a reason other than randomly picking an object of which I reminded her. She moved away in 6th grade and the name was forgotten. Last year, another friend moved back after living elsewhere for a few years. She was walking down the sidewalk, banging her brush on the railing, and had an epiphany. She would call me Spatula. We were on a nickname kick and I still hadn't found a satisfactory one. So it stuck, at least for her. After a while, others picked up on it, and it became a commonplace situation for my closest circle. Thus, Porkchop, being one of my closest friends, knew this, so she set up my blog with the name." This is from a previous post in my February archive called "My Lovely Alias". If you can think of any other cool coincidences or random thoughts on the name, let me know!

Spatula said...

What are you talkin about Porkchop?

Anonymous said...

Those are really cute. I like the whole tree pose.

Spatula said...

Thank you. I was so pumped when I thought of it! But I was PETRIFIED at the though of climbing the tree after I climbed a very unsteady ladder that wasn't quite tall enough, so Dad lifted me up in the tractor bucket and I climbed onto the limbs for pics. Gotta love ranch equipment!