Sunday, November 20, 2005


Ok, so my computer's retarded. What's new? Hehe.

Yesterday was another absolutely amazing day! I bet y'all are getting tired of these, huh? Ha! We went to the Renaissance Festival for the final time this year. This was the last weekend of the season. Drew and I got there at about 9 with Mom, Dad, Derek, and Brandy arriving at about 9:20. We went in and had an awesome day, full of fun, laughter, shopping, chatting, and holding hands. Three couples! It was soo cool! We split up after the 3 o'clock jousting tournament and met up a little before 6 for the fireworks. Gorgeous! They did a really good job, the best of the 3 shows we saw, in fact.

With some crazy yells and several games of random "Marco Polo", we made it out to the parking lot. That was about 6:30. At 7:45, we were still sitting there... There had been a wreck involving 3 life-flights. So we waited.

At about 8:30, Drew and I locked up the car and ran over to the truck with everybody else from our little group and jumped in the back, surprising the whole truck. We, of course, were laughing like crazy. I went back and got a CD that I had purchased and we put it in the player and cranked it up! We also built a little fire behind the truck with some hay from the bed of the truck, which drew a bunch of random people. It's amazing how fire and drums can draw people together...

When traffic had barely begun to move, an officer came up and told us to put the fire out because there was a burn-ban on. Oops. We stomped it out and dispersed. Back to the car, and we made it to the cross-traffic and made it out waaay before Mom and Dad. They were on the regular road while we took a short-cut that was usually blocked off. So we waited on the corner at the main highway for them so we could follow them to supper at Jack-in-the-Box. Good stuff!

While we were waiting, since we had kinda run out of things to talk about and we were both getting tired (I get silly when I'm tired, and Drew gets quiet), I started singing Christmas songs. I went through quite a few, and we were laughing the whole time, so that was fun. Anyway, M&D finally got there and we ate in Conroe. Drew and I then drove back here and went promptly to bed.

This morning I woke up at about 7:30 and drank most of a 16 oz. bottle of water and fell immediately back to sleep...

We went to church together and then ate lunch here and watched Dirty Dancing. I took him home so he could finish some stuff, and we have plans for the movies before I have to go home for Thanksgiving. We still need to cement our plans for getting together, but if we can't it'll be ok. We'll manage. :p

Well, I'm tired and my laundry will be done soon, so toodles! Love and hugs!


Spatula said...

Not on the highway, in the parking lot! Gosh!

Spatula said...

I think so. I vaguely remember, but I can't quite place it... Any luck yet?

Buffalokill said...

dirty dancing???

what a party foul!