Monday, November 07, 2005

Puzzle Epidemic

Well friends, I do believe it's time for a new post. I have found my new favorite song! Well, it's an old song, and it's been on my "tops" list for a while, but it's grown on me some. It's "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" by Aerosmith. Love it!

I still have those papers to write. Ugh. Well, I have vowed to finish the English paper and read the book before I go to bed, so I may be up for a while... Oh well.

Well, I guess that's all I really have to say... Oh! The Puzzle epidemic! Right! Ok. About 3 weeks ago I was cleaning out the "study room" downstairs just because I was bored and needed something to do. And I found tons of decorations for the lobby, which I used for Halloween, and lots of scrapbooks from previous years in our dorm, and lots of jig-saw puzzles. I am speaking to an older generation, so I know you all remember these. A fine and dying art, I'm afraid the children of today don't know quite what to make of these rare specimens that attest to the patience and skills displayed in the past... Right, so all of these puzzles were just chilling in there, not getting any use, all sad and depressed, crying out to me, "FINISH ME!!!" A few days later, I did just that. I got out a box and put together a puzzle with the help of a few people in the lobby. As the days progressed, more and more people joined in... until the entire house was helping out with the jig-saw puzzles! There was not a bare surface in the lobby on which to place another one, so we demolished a few and started in on the next rounds. On and on it went until... *duhn-duhn-duuuh*... WE RAN OUT!!! Aaaaahhhhhh!

So we're out of puzzles. Help! Anybody who wants to donate a puzzle, send them! And hurry! We're having withdrawals!

1 comment:

Spatula said...

Haha. For sure.