Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Conversations are cyclical. Talking to a friend who I haven't seen in a while, I clearly saw the development. It's interesting. Really. Class, life, nothing to do, haven't seen you in a while, who was this person I met with you, how has everything been, how was Thanksgiving, what are your plans for the rest of the day, good luck with class, if there's anything I can do to help with the grade, see you later, take care! Complete circle. Class, everything in between, and class again.

My roommate was in jail for MIP last night. Minor in possession. Of alcohol. Interesting. But she came in sober. Which was something of a change. Very interesting indeed.

I'm contemplating a room change for next semester. The room next door is going to be completely empty from what I've heard. And the suite on the other side is where Parrot lives with Stacey. Easy suitemates. Then I'd have the chance roommate assignment, though. Some strange person that I don't know. Any thoughts on this?

A pretty good day thus far. I got to sleep fairly late and I slept all night, so I'm not tired like I was yesterday. Bible study tonight at 9. One of the last ones for the semester. Kinda sad. I also have a book to read for English. Yeah, I'm gonna go do that now... Toodles!


Anonymous said...

For the roommate thing, just think of how bad you have it with your current roomie, then think about what could possibloy be worse...then if you want to take that chance.

Veritas said...

hey, at least you would have awesome suitemates....

Spatula said...

Thanks for the input. And I would act on y'all's superb advice if I could, but as it turns out one of the girls I thought was getting an apartment is in fact staying here. And I don't want to room with her. So I'm here for another semester. I can make it... I think. But I can move into an opening at any point in the year, and there's a space in the other room in our suite. So we'll see.

Anonymous said...

If you're interested in a few words from a Mom of college freshmen twins, I'll share what I've heard from them. One got to choose her roommates, loves one, hates the other. It's like anything else, people try to present themselves in the best of lights. I knew the minute I met her and her Mom that it was gonna be a rough ride. Took a few months but "Twin B" finally admitted I was right, and it gave me no pleasure. The girl actually instant messages my daughter from the next room...won't speak face to face. What does that tell you? "Twin A" loved the roommate that only lasted a month. Poor girl was that homesick, went back to Savannah. The other roommate and my daughter tolerate each other. They have agreed to be respectful roommates only, not hang around with each other friends. This daughter was matched thru the college and it's not so bad. It's when your good friend turns out to be a nightmare apartment mate that's so difficult. But I've told them both, learning to live with others is a valuable lesson!
(my daughters are at different colleges, first time in their lives that they have been apart)