Saturday, February 26, 2005

My Hats

Oh my goodness! I'm really tired, but the weekend was worth it. After the revival on Thursday night, Mom and I went to the Ladies' Retreat with 8 other ladies from our church (Porkchop's mom included). That night, I got a real blessing form God. I can't describe, and I can't even begin to explain it, but I was in awe and I felt so humbled and truly amazed. We spent the evening after we were released from our last speaker just sharing our blessings and having a "pj" party. Not a dry eye in the house! The next morning, after about four hours of sleep, we woke up and got ready to finish the retreat. We went to see Norvi, a missionary. Oh, how His presence was in her! She was full of the Spirit and she was an incredible blessing. Then we decorated our hats and went to the final meeting. The entire weekend was a real and deep blessing. I feel privileged to have been able to spend time with such amazingly godly women. Talk about your eye-opener. You realize how big the shoes you have to fill truly are. On the way home, we stopped on the side of the road for a fabulous Chinese fire-drill. We laughed so hard we nearly cried! Some of our members were so funny running around ALL FOUR cars! But we really had a blast. The Lord truly blessed and I feel like a more complete person than I was. Now I just hope my life and attitude reflect that. The whole session was focused on the many different hats ladies wear. We are chauffeur, mom, doctor, cook, accountant, psychologist, nurturer, servant, and truly what we choose to be. Attitudes are what we choose. We choose to be happy or sad or troubled. Leaning on the Lord is what He wants us to do, what can make us truly happy, and our purpose and focus as Christians. Tonight I'm going to the revival again. I really feel God will bless again. I've been praying and I'm learning what it means to care on a deeper level than "crush" or "puppy love." It is, I believe, a sign of growing up, when, upon thinking of him, I don't think, "Oh, I miss him," and, "he's so cute!" But rather, "Lord, be with him, bless him, prepare him, keep him wherever he's at, whatever he's doing." What do ya'll think? Let me know something. I'm just trying to figure things out, so I guess getting things out there is the only way I know of. Love ya'll! Toodles for now!

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