Tuesday, February 22, 2005

A Good Day Gone Bittersweet

Well, as you can tell, today started out pretty decent. We sat in the gym after the presentation was done, and I watched a bunch of friends play basketball and knock-out (another game w/ a basketball), listened to my new CD that I bought yesterday, played cards, and just generally hung out. We stayed there for about 2 and a half hours until lunch. We then went to 5th, which is Physics for me, where we talked about cool things like bending light waves. Calculus was pretty uneventful, and no homework. 7th I'm an office aide, so nothing much there either. After school I waited at the band hall for my ride (since the Hobbit died) talking to Carl and the guys. Carl is the assistant band director, btw. He's green, only just 23, so we befriended him. After we get home, Mom gets all cranky about me "talking back" (you know, the imaginary rude comments that they hear then won't listen to your denials). She's awfully unfair to our dogs, and it really ticks me off sometimes. But now she's fixing me some hot apple cider and suggesting pizza, so maybe the day won't end on a bad note. Dad's gone to a meeting, so he won't be home until late tonight or early tomorrow. And I get to drive the truck! Dr.'s appt. for Dad and Mom's going, too, so I'm on my own for a couple of hours. Finally! But tomorrow starts revival, and Ryan's preaching. Ryan is this super-cute, super-sweet singer/preacher who's only 24 and lives in Louisiana. He's not married, never has been, but he has a son. But I'm drawn like a moth to the flame. I don't know why, but I can't resist really liking him. I'm horribly shallow, by the way, in case you either haven't noticed or haven't figured it out yet. But now I'm going to go order my dinner, so toodles!

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