Saturday, July 30, 2005

The Results of our Prayers

Thank you all so very much for your prayers. Heath, I almost cried when I read your comment and saw your site. Thank you. That means a lot. More than you know. Chad, God healed her, but not in the way we were hoping. She'll never hurt again, and she's in a better place. Her life never would have been normal again after all of the trials her body suffered. Tammy passed away officially on Thursday, the 28th. They decided it was for the best. The boys took it differently: her oldest punched the wall; her youngest broke down. Her visitation was today and the funeral is tomorrow. Chad and Casey, her two sons are doing as well as can be expected. They weren't crying when I went and saw them, but you can tell they're really hurting. I'll go to the services tomorrow, but what can you say to them? We had a Sunday School class sleepover Friday night and that was the burden I shared with the group. They're still on my heart. That sleepover was an awesome experience. But keep praying for the boys. I'm still concerned that they'll let this ruin everything, change their dreams, and that they'll give up on life. I know it can't be easy to move on with life when it feels like there's nothing left to live for. But with God, all things are possible. So thank you all again for your prayers. I want to share a blessing that I only recently realized. I've been really busy this summer, more so than ever before, almost to the point of exhaustion. But I've had this little nagging thought for some time telling me it's time to find "the one" for me. I'm programmed to love with everything I have, and not having someone to call my own is beginning to bother me more than ever before. But my busyness, my super-active summer, and all of the babies I take care of are God's gifts. I'm too busy to be lonely! I cried when I realized what He's done for me. Now I'm not worried. I'm still learning, but I think I'm ready to let go. Just wanted to let y'all know that He's still working! I'm off, so toodles for now. Love to all. More than you could possibly know. Thank you all again for your love and support!


Buffalokill said...

Well, I'm jealous of her now, because she is in a place where there are no tears or sadness. Ol' Glory Land.

Spatula said...

Amen to that. That was one of the saddest funerals I've ever been to. The church was packed past capacity. Half of the town turned out to say good-bye, including the entire police force, all divisions, in uniform. And not a dry eye in the place. Tammy was the kind who loved every person she met and you knew it. Sad sad day.

Anonymous said...

she definitley in a better place. I'll be prayin for the family.

Anonymous said...

hey pam its me ashley!!!!well i really dont know what to say cause ur sittin right next to me.and i know about tammy i was at the funeral and she was my coach last year but u know that.ok tammy was a very loved person in the area and a very good coach and mother to her 2 boys.well g2g bye!

Spatula said...

Thanks for your input Ash. Guys, she's a 13 year old friend of mine who I babysit occasionally.

Anonymous said...
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