Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Ok, seriously urgent prayer request. A lady we know had a massive stroke due to the rupture of an aneurism. Some guys found her and woke her oldest son (20) up and he called 911. The men left and thought nothing more about it. Until they life-flighted her to the nearest intensive care unit. In Beaumont. She flat-lined twice on the way there and is currently on a respirator. She has been deemed brain-dead. Her youngest son is my age – we graduated together. He was in Missouri when it happened. Her husband was in California. He is on his way home. Her son caught a ride with one of the richest men in our area on his private helicopter, sent especially to get him and bring him home to his mom and brother. Their father will be the decision-maker when he arrives. So pray for a miracle. Or for some relief for the boys from this devastating blow. But pray that they don't become bitter from this, no matter what happens. Tammy, the lady to whom this happened is a local, raised in the area and a good friend of many of the school staff and students. Her sons both had lots of friends. So this will be a hard blow to take. Please, pray. Pray hard.


Deb said...

I'm so sorry this happened. Our prayers are with the woman you know, and her family.

Prayer is a powerful thing!

Hoping for the best,

Anonymous said...

I'll be prayinig. And I'm throwing a link up on my site.

Anonymous said...

definitley send out my prayers

Buffalokill said...

We're Prayin, Pam.

Lord heal her body.

Spatula said...

Thank you all so very much.