Monday, July 11, 2005

Blast from the Past

Hey all. Thought I'd share a few interesting tidbits from my past. I was digging through my keepsakes the other day and came upon this piece of paper with the following words (as actually written, spelling and all): "Pam I am sheriff pam. I kech robbers. I get off at noon. I go back at done. Remember I am sheriff pam and I will areste you." Cute, huh? It was very humbling to realize that I was such a terrible speller when I was little. But I was about 4 when I typed that on a typewriter at Granny's. I looked at it and knew that y'all would love to read it, so there it is. My job description for some random play-time imaginary setting.

I also found a few quotes and poems. I'll post the poems later, but the quotes are really good, so they're going up now.

'Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your own nonsense." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

"God did what we wouldn't dare dream. He did what we couldn't imagine. He became a man so we could trust Him. He became a sacrifice so we could know Him. And He defeated death so we could follow Him." ~ Max Lucado

Other than that, not much is going on in my life. I had a craft spurt last night. Mom gave me some new, clean, small paint cans and I covered them with cloth and paint and buttons. Very cute. I might post some pictures if anybody's interested. They took me all of about 5 minutes each after I manipulated the cloth to do what I wanted. The first one is covered with a red bandana print and then various colored buttons – mostly red, white and blue. The second one is covered in denim from an old pair of jeans. I was going to put a back pocket on it, but the can was too short for the pocket, so I put a front pocket on it. The back side is covered with plain denim (from the leg) and then painted on. I wrote PAM and drew a cute little flower. The lids are covered the same, respectively, and I wrote PAM on the denim lid as well. I'm thinking about giving the red can to my roommate when school starts.

We're going to Astroworld Thursday! I have a dentist appointment tomorrow and I have to drop stuff off at the auction barn this morning, and then go boot shopping. I desperately need some cowboy boots. I haven't had a pair in over a year and I really need some to complete the western look for cow sales and such. Well, I'm off to take a shower and go do my chores for today. Love to all! Hugs and kisses to everybody that needs 'em! Oh, btw, Jared is doing better, but he still needs our prayers. And everyone be sure to comfort Heathykins on the loss of his four toofs. And Coleman brothers – all of y'all are awesome! I'm really glad y'all are part of my daily blogging experience! Of course all of my other visitors are awesome, too, especially Porkchop, who got me set up in the first place, but I had this crazy dream about the Coleman brothers flying down to Texas last night, and I thought at least props were in order for people who stay in my subconcious long enough to produce a dream. Lol. Aight, later!


Spatula said...

Yay!!! Heh. Thanks for the confidence boost. Lol.

Anonymous said...

yeah, moving to college, when i had to pack up my room- I found a lot of old thing from high school and such, like secret admierer letters!

Barb Huff said...

glad your friend is doing better

Spatula said...

Erik, btw, I don't have any secret admirers in my past, so that's not gonna be my long-lost treasure. Bummer.