Sunday, October 16, 2005

Home for the Weekend

Well, ok. Went home yesterday. Actually, took Drew home to meet Dad... Yeah... Anyway, it was cool. Dad behaved himself and Drew did wonderfully, as I knew he would. We got there Saturday afternoon and helped Dad clean up a cedar tree. We're still cleaning from Rita, fyi. Anyway, the tree was actually two trees grown together, so there was a nice little groove in between the two original trunks... And inside that groove? SNAKE EGGS!!! Woohoo! Yeah, for serious. They were ground rattlers. We actually saw one before we cut into the main trunk and killed it with the chainsaw (good fun, right?), but didn't think a whole lot of it. Until Derek made the comment that there might be a nest inside. And there was! And they were all still alive! So... we torched 'em. Very cool! We poured gasoline on the eggs in the tree and on a stick, then lit the stick and WOOSH! Fire everywhere! It was GREAT!!! Hahaha. I know, I'm sick... But it was really cool. And we roasted a little egg on a stick just like a marshmallow... Fun fun fun. There was one we had "hatched" before we torched 'em that went down into the chainsaw groove in the tree, and that little sucker burned for forever! But it was very awesome. And they were all dead. Yessss! We checked the eggs and popped a couple open today to make sure. Hehehe... Anyway, we got most of the tree cleaned up, but there's still the main trunk and the part over the fence, so Dad and Derek will take care of that this next week some time. I might have pictures, too. I'll have to get somebody at home to send 'em... Cross your fingers!

We went to church today and Drew met about 50 people, and I really don't expect him to remember any of their names. But we had a good service and a good Sunday School lesson. Well, my class did anyway. I think Drew had a good time, at least he says it wasn't bad... At least they didn't scare him off, right? Lol. Well, lemme get out of here. I know y'all all have better things to do than read my blog. :p So, ttyl! Love and hugs!


Spatula said...

Heh... Thanks Mark.

Anonymous said...

i think you said awesome about 100 times when you were describing the snake scene!!! I think someone likes to cause harm to lesser animals to make her feel better, might wanna get some help on that one ;)

Spatula said...

Eh, you're just jealous.

Anonymous said...

uhhhh, i'm pretty sure i had a couple stories of me killing rattlers this year, and you didn't see me getting all nimbly bimbly about, mow did ya?

Spatula said...

"nimbly bimbly"?!? Hahahaha! And you may have killed a few, but you didn't torch the whole nest! That was the cool part. It wasn't my idea, acctually, but I was an eager audience member.

Anonymous said...

Murderer...those babies would have made for great pets....then pranks, mwa hahahaaaaaa!

Spatula said...

Well, yeah, I agree SF, but they were slightly POISONOUS, so maybe not such great pets... I dunno though. Maybe the next nest we find I could just send to you. How does that sound?

Anonymous said...
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