Sunday, September 11, 2005

Pam's Sunday

Good morning everybody! I have news. Both sad and happy. First, the sad. Bill Stovall, a good friend of ours passed away last night. He's been having lung trouble for over two years now. He's in a much better place. Our prayers go out to his wife and children (all adults) and grandchildren. His sons weren't the best, but I'm sure they loved him.

Good news: I got a new Bible! It's green (my favorite color) and a KJV. It's actually a pocket Bible, but I love it so far. The references aren't as great as in my old Bible, but I'm still enjoying exploring it.

Last night was Gala. Gala is our scholarship benefit variety show for the theater and dance programs. I had fun. I was working the silent auction, but the auction ended about 25 minutes after my shift began, so I shifted responsibilities. Instead of talking up the items, we guarded them and then distributed them upon payment. So I got to take money from patrons. Fun fun! Some of the stuff was SOO awesome! But it was also semi-expensive, so I didn't get anything. I thought of Mom when I saw a turquoise purse and some hand-crafted jewelry. But the jewelry was a bit steep and I didn't see the purse until the bidding was closed. Oh well. It was a good experience. We struck the set right after, so I didn't get home until 11-is. But it was perfectly alright. I went to bed pretty quickly, so it's all gravy.

There are Hummers in Huntsville! Real Army Humvees! Camouflage and everything! I was pumped! They're in a little fenced-in area down the road. You know, you could hop the fence, hot-wire a humvee, then run through the gates... Hehe. I bet gas-mileage isn't good enough for all of that.

I went to an Assembly of God church this morning with Stacy and Lisa. It was a learning experience. The next Sunday I'm here we're going to do some more church-hopping, but to Baptist this time. We went to Fellowship Baptist Sunday before last. Last weekend was the cow sale.

Well, now it's lunch time and then homework. Jessica wants to go to a movie today, but I don't know if we're still on for that. We'll see. Talk to y'all later! Love and hugs!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

If it's an actual military motor pool, there should be some razor wire on that good luck hoping that sucker. heheheh. Other than that, it's not like you have door locks to go through onb those things.