Monday, September 05, 2005

Night-time at College

We played football tonight. Lots of fun. We lost, but it was still pretty cool. 4 on 4. 3 girls. I was told that I am a "stud". So...

Every evening there's something going on in the dorm or around campus. We played Trivial Pursuit last night. We play tag on a regular basis. Paper, Rock, Scissors is our favorite pastime after video games. We're even planning a themed Halloween costume set-up. I'm going to be Poison Ivy. DC Comic Villains. Yeah, we're nerds. But I'm content. I've found a whole building full of friends and I love it!

Today was pretty uneventful over all, but Jessalyn came home. She's excited about her guy. He seems really sweet. And rich, so she's happy. Lol. But seriously, she really likes him. And I'm glad she's happy. She still talks up a storm and comes in at all hours, but I'm tolerant and can handle it. No problem.

I still have some reading to do for English then I'm off to bed, so I'll talk to y'all later! Love and hugs.


Anonymous said...

yeah, i had plenty of games in the dorms too. We got a little out of hand. like playin tackle football in the hall way.

Anonymous said...

Hey, we like having fun. We're not just crazy kids doing stuff for no reason. We're crazy kids doing stuff so that we don't have to do the things that we have reason to do. And Scissors!