Monday, February 09, 2009

The Bomb-Diggity

Well, it's done. The big test that required my presence at work is complete. I have no idea how we fared as a whole, but I was complimented by our district manager on my hard work, so I guess that's good. Apparently I'm the bomb-diggity. Quite an accomplishment, huh? We had to prove our ability to the "big bosses" this past weekend, and my general manager specifically scheduled me on the day I requested off just so he could ensure that we were doing our very best by having the very best. The "A" team, so to speak. Like I said, I don't know if our endeavors were successful. I'll find out when I call and talk to Kevin (the GM) today or tomorrow about my schedule on Saturday.

I went to a baby shower last night, an that was fun. I found some really adorable things for the baby, so I was proud of myself. And then Steve and I had an argument because he randomly thought I was off work on Valentine's Day. Um... not so much. The thing is, everybody wants that day off, so JP (now in charge of schedules) isn't letting anybody off of work based solely upon requests. Not that I even requested it off. I did ask to work the morning, though, and I'll call in a favor to Kevin to see if I can get things worked out. Steve got the day off and wants to make a big deal of it, but I just want him to stop spending money on me. He's blowing hundreds of dollars (I assume) on gifts for me that I absolutely don't need. I wish he'd save his money. A friend of ours had the idea that from now on, when Steve wants to buy me something that isn't necessary, he can put the money in a savings account and use it when we want to take a vacation somewhere. I think that's a fantastic idea.

My father and I were debating the grammatical correctness of the phrase, "I can so." I responded to the accusation of not being able to talk without using my hands with the above phrase, and my father decided it was not, in fact, grammatically correct. Thoughts? Opinions? Arguments?

I hate having homework. I also hate being tired for no reason. I got plenty of sleep last night, but I'm still tired. No idea why. And now I'm hungry. Poo.

Anywho, I'm out. Time to actually pay attention in class. Lighting design. Woo hoo. Love and hugs!

UPDATE: We were awarded a certificate of mastery!!! Wooo hoo!!! Go us! And I'm working Saturday morning, leaving the evening free for time with Steve on Valentine's Day. A little perturbed about my actress not being able to hold up her end of the bargain and actually toughing it out and NOT COMPLAINING!!! She whines a lot. But she's old, and is apparently under the impression that she's the only one with a full plate. I'm calling a big, resounding BS on that one. But it'll be ok.

I hope.

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