Friday, February 17, 2006


Here's a thought. Should I just be a theatre teacher? Mother says I won't be as marketable, but I wouldn't have to change my major and I could be just as involved in the theatre department. And I could still teach. Reasoning? I don't really know that I would enjoy teaching English. I know I love the subject, but is that love enough to get me through the classes I hate? Then again, is that love enough to get me through the Theatre classes I hate, too? Ideas? Suggestions? Help?! I may be just sounding off. I'm still in the decision stage, I think. And so the journey continues.


Anonymous said...

Daughter, stop trying to make all your life long decisions today!!!
you need to pray and leave it with GOD.. and he will anwser you in due time just be stedfast and make sure you are listening to his will
love you

Veritas said...

uh yeah,
what he said..

Anonymous said...

yo pam, go with your dad! Just relax and enjoy life. hahaha, trust me, don't stress yourself out yet. I still don't know what I want to do.

Anonymous said...

love dad's, best advice ever (even when you don't want it, they're right, trust me)