Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Hello dear ones. Life is relatively great on my end of the world. I got decent grades this past semester, and I am finally beginning the vacation I've been needing so desperately. I love my job still, and working at Cracker Barrel is just as rewarding and fun as it was over a year ago when I started. I'm still dating Steve, and we're happy. He's a sweet guy, really, and he takes care of me. I haven't missed a car payment or even been late, and things are still running smoothly with my little white Cobalt. Puma is still the most amazing cat in the world, Peanut and Rose are growing on me, and being close to friends is incredibly excellent. Some drama has been happening at a bar I frequent, but that's nothing new. Steve no longer works there, which is new, but not unexpected, given the aforementioned drama. I can't think of any significant details to provide that would make much sense, and I'm a little scatterbrained at the moment, so I'll supply more information later. For now, suffice to say that things are fine and I'm doing well. I'll have to tell y'all about the Special Olympics and my plan with Mother to go to Galveston for a few days this summer, as well as a briefing on the drama at the bar and the developments at work. Love and hugs! I now go to prepare for the Barrel once again. Hi-ho, hi-ho...

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