Well, to begin with, I saw some awesome pink sneakers today! They were bright, and I mean super-bright pink sneakers, high-tops, if you know what I mean by that. They were pretty cool! But the thing that really made them stand out was that they were on a guy! And he was straight! Just from the way he walked, at least. But I was so surprised! I literally laughed out loud going from English to Science today. Pretty funny stuff.
In English, I drew a cartoon. I wish I could show you what it looks like, but it's too much trouble to go all the way to the library to scan a copy of it and put it online. So I'll draw a quick sketch and put it up... Grr! It won't load! So we'll cheat the system...
Ok, you can't read it: the top left says "an ambitious student from Dr. Child's English class." The top middle arrow says "paintballs". The top right arrow says "construction workers". And the bottom right arrow that you can barely see says "paint, a little off-target".
Anyway, this all stemmed from the construction workers outside of our building in English. They get very annoying after almost a month of building. Thankfully, they're almost finished.
There was a guy in the hall going to my Science class with a really cool shirt on. It said, "I vote for Happy Hour." Well, I thought it was funny, anyway.
The surprise of the day: our professor really isn't a stick-in-the-mud!!! He's a pretty cool guy, he just has a bit of a dull voice. When you engage him in real conversation he's actually pretty interesting. And we were SURE it was going to be boring! Well, it still probably will be, but not as bad as we first feared.
When I got home and checked my voice mail on my cell phone, I heard a message from Katie. Now Katie graduated from the same town as me, only a few years earlier. She called and asked me to call her back, so I did. And she had a really random question: "How do you reduce the glare on a bald guy's head without powdering him up?" So I gave her my advice and sent her on her way. That was so incredibly random... Haha. But that's ok, because she needed some help and I was able to give it to her. Coolness. Well, that's all for now. Toodles!
Mom says don't spend all your money. We have another trip to take to Ren Fest.
Ok Mom. I won't. And I'm not.
i know the kid in the Pink Converse, if thats what they were...
he's in my math class, nice guy.
uhhhh....pink shoes on guys is not cool, not cool at all.
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