Friday, April 25, 2008


I woke up this morning with an eighties montage playing in my head. I Wanna Dance With Somebody, Thriller, Listen to Your Heart, Here I Go Again, I Just Died In Your Arms… And then I got on David Cook’s version of Always Be My Baby. That’s a great song.

Ok, question. If a guy is 36 and a girl is 21, is there too much of an age gap for it to work? Just curious. For the sake of argument, and to get an idea of where everybody stands.

I have come to a few conclusions. First, when toilet paper is on the spool and not free from the wall or holder, women use less toilet paper than when it is free from constraints. Second, when a woman pees standing up, she should have to raise the seat like a man in order to accommodate the rest of the population that does not stand up to pee. Random, I know.

I’m tired. I was up really late last night writing a twelve page paper, and I only got about four hours of sleep. I have to work tonight, and will hopefully get plenty of sleep before work tomorrow. I have rehearsal for a scene that goes up next week, I have to prepare my resume for my Speech for Teachers class, and I have to create a presentation for my Dramatic Theory and Criticism class. I have the weekend, so I’ll be fine. I’m excited about turning 21 on Sunday, and I have my portfolio due on Tuesday. All in all, I have several small things to take care of, and some time to do it, but things are winding down and I feel more lethargic every day.

*sigh* Back to class. More later.