Monday, February 28, 2005


To explain, I was a tad bit angry when I wrote that last post, so I suppose her accusation was justified. Usually, when M&D say "get off the comp," I have to say goodbye to all of the people I am instant messaging at the time before I sign off. Internet protocol, you know. Not saying goodbye is like hanging up the phone in the middle of a conversation. Not cool, right? Well, whenever they say "emergency phone call," I get off without saying my customary toodles. As it so happens, I wasn't talking to anybody when she told me to get off, so I clicked the sign off option, then the little X at the top corner, then I hit ctrl+alt+del because my computer was taking FOREVER. Mom saw the box when she walked around to see what I was doing and automatically concluded that I was saying goodbye and/or talking to people. So she was upset. And so was I. But I'm better now. I had a really good morning because one of the blogs I read every day told about the author's experience in which he realized he was straying from his Christian walk and is now back on track, which is an answer to prayers. He'd been having a hard time of it lately with all of his mess ups and superiors jumping down his throat. But anyway, should be getting pictures from Ryan pretty soon! Yay! It's almost time for 1st period, so I've got to get. Toodles! Love ya'll! Thanks for your support and love!

Sunday, February 27, 2005


Unfair accusations are so not cool! Mom was trying to get on the phone to call somebody and I was on the internet. I clicked out immediately, but she didn't believe me and grounded me. Then she ungrounded me, but the damage was already done. She doesn't trust my word. Now I'm really hurting from that one. Prayers please. Toodles.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

My Hats

Oh my goodness! I'm really tired, but the weekend was worth it. After the revival on Thursday night, Mom and I went to the Ladies' Retreat with 8 other ladies from our church (Porkchop's mom included). That night, I got a real blessing form God. I can't describe, and I can't even begin to explain it, but I was in awe and I felt so humbled and truly amazed. We spent the evening after we were released from our last speaker just sharing our blessings and having a "pj" party. Not a dry eye in the house! The next morning, after about four hours of sleep, we woke up and got ready to finish the retreat. We went to see Norvi, a missionary. Oh, how His presence was in her! She was full of the Spirit and she was an incredible blessing. Then we decorated our hats and went to the final meeting. The entire weekend was a real and deep blessing. I feel privileged to have been able to spend time with such amazingly godly women. Talk about your eye-opener. You realize how big the shoes you have to fill truly are. On the way home, we stopped on the side of the road for a fabulous Chinese fire-drill. We laughed so hard we nearly cried! Some of our members were so funny running around ALL FOUR cars! But we really had a blast. The Lord truly blessed and I feel like a more complete person than I was. Now I just hope my life and attitude reflect that. The whole session was focused on the many different hats ladies wear. We are chauffeur, mom, doctor, cook, accountant, psychologist, nurturer, servant, and truly what we choose to be. Attitudes are what we choose. We choose to be happy or sad or troubled. Leaning on the Lord is what He wants us to do, what can make us truly happy, and our purpose and focus as Christians. Tonight I'm going to the revival again. I really feel God will bless again. I've been praying and I'm learning what it means to care on a deeper level than "crush" or "puppy love." It is, I believe, a sign of growing up, when, upon thinking of him, I don't think, "Oh, I miss him," and, "he's so cute!" But rather, "Lord, be with him, bless him, prepare him, keep him wherever he's at, whatever he's doing." What do ya'll think? Let me know something. I'm just trying to figure things out, so I guess getting things out there is the only way I know of. Love ya'll! Toodles for now!

Friday, February 25, 2005


Ok, last night we went to hear Ryan preach. I always forget how good he is until I hear him again. He talked about the story of Hannah and how she prayed and was heard. We have an awesome audience before the Creator of the universe and the power to make our dreams, desires, and needs known to Him. Wow. Talk about a powerful message. I realized some things about myself and really was touched. I'm going back Saturday night, even though we're having a singing at our church. I told him I'd be there and he'll be looking for me that night, so Dad conceded. I might even get to drive the truck! But suddenly it's so much more than seeing "my friend." It's about revival. Really! It's not something I really expected, I'm ashamed to say. But last night I really prayed that the Lord would light a fire in my soul and make me eager to hear the word and really live for Him. So pray for me. I love the blogosphere! Mom got to go last night, and Dad got home just in time to drive us over. We were about 5 minutes late and sat in the back in extra chairs they brought in for all of the people who showed up. I'll go a little bit early tomorrow so I can sit in a pew. Hopefully toward the front. We're headed to the Ladies' Retreat this afternoon and will be there all this evening and tomorrow morning. That promises to be a blessing. Mom has challenged me to not look at the keyboard when I type (just random fyi). Thanks for letting me know that I'm not shallow Porkchop. And Lil Sis. The Difference is just a pain to write, so I'm dubbing you my adopted little sister. Well, have some surfing to do, so toodles!

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Shallow Me

Hey Porkchop, I appreciate your support. *rolls eyes* I never thought I was shallow until a friend told me. Thanks for nothing, I guess. At lunch again today. The power went out in band! Yay! But then it came back on. The new guy is fitting in well, but can still only play basic stuff. I haven't taken the time to listen specifically to him to see if he's any good, but I will pretty soon. Beef stroganoff was good today. The beef was a tad bit tough, but not too bad over all. We're working on MLA citation in English for our research paper, and we have to have 50 entries finished by tomorrow. Big deal, right? Yeah, it is. Lab in Physics. Not much in Cal. Will go to revival tonight and see Ryan! Yay! Mom is sick, so I don't know if I'll get to go for sure, but I really hope so. Well, lunch is over, so toodles!

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

A Day in the Life of the Spatula

Hey! Today we got a new percussionist in band. I'm the drum major, in case anybody's wondering. But I'm currently off duty. Anyway, he showed up and I think he'll fit right in. We're going to start working on a feature for the spring concert pretty soon. Fun fun. One of the songs we worked on today is really promising. Government was blah, just vocab. My college English was easy, essay test, two essays, I'm already finished, then my regular class talked about research papers. We have to analyze a British work. Jane Eyre is my choice. I LOVE that book! Foods was a series of "beef learning centers." We're cooking stroganoff tomorrow. Physics will be another lecture or we'll do problems. Lab tomorrow, test Friday. Open book, piece of cake (I hope). Calculus will be the second part of 4.2, then my day's done! All alone after I go home, so I'll hang in town and eat after I go to the library and possibly get a hair cut. Need to go by the post office, too... Well, lunch is almost over, so I've got to go. Toodles!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

A Good Day Gone Bittersweet

Well, as you can tell, today started out pretty decent. We sat in the gym after the presentation was done, and I watched a bunch of friends play basketball and knock-out (another game w/ a basketball), listened to my new CD that I bought yesterday, played cards, and just generally hung out. We stayed there for about 2 and a half hours until lunch. We then went to 5th, which is Physics for me, where we talked about cool things like bending light waves. Calculus was pretty uneventful, and no homework. 7th I'm an office aide, so nothing much there either. After school I waited at the band hall for my ride (since the Hobbit died) talking to Carl and the guys. Carl is the assistant band director, btw. He's green, only just 23, so we befriended him. After we get home, Mom gets all cranky about me "talking back" (you know, the imaginary rude comments that they hear then won't listen to your denials). She's awfully unfair to our dogs, and it really ticks me off sometimes. But now she's fixing me some hot apple cider and suggesting pizza, so maybe the day won't end on a bad note. Dad's gone to a meeting, so he won't be home until late tonight or early tomorrow. And I get to drive the truck! Dr.'s appt. for Dad and Mom's going, too, so I'm on my own for a couple of hours. Finally! But tomorrow starts revival, and Ryan's preaching. Ryan is this super-cute, super-sweet singer/preacher who's only 24 and lives in Louisiana. He's not married, never has been, but he has a son. But I'm drawn like a moth to the flame. I don't know why, but I can't resist really liking him. I'm horribly shallow, by the way, in case you either haven't noticed or haven't figured it out yet. But now I'm going to go order my dinner, so toodles!

My Lovely Alias

In the third grade, my long-time friend dubbed me "Spatula" without presenting a reason other than randomly picking an object of which I reminded her. She moved away in 6th grade and the name was forgotten. Last year, another friend moved back after living elsewhere for a few years. She was walking down the sidewalk, banging her brush on the railing, and had an epiphany. She would call me Spatula. We were on a nickname kick and I still hadn't found a satisfactory one. So it stuck, at least for her. After a while, others picked up on it, and it became a commonplace situation for my closest circle. Thus, Porkchop, being one of my closest friends, knew this, so she set up my blog with the name. I answer to pretty much anything, including Mom and Spatula. No, I've never had a child, and I'm not pregnant, but a freshman friend figured that I was the closest thing to a real mom she had ever had and now appropriately addresses me. Go figure. I am a mothering type. It's become habit for me to make sure that everyone else is taken care of. Pookie, I'll do my best to come visit. Our sb doesn't coincide with ya'll's, so I'd be there in classes and hanging out at the school. Have to ask the 'rents, but I don't see very many obstacles. Especially if I've got all of my scholarship junk sent in already. Well, I'm at school and the younger peeps are taking the TAKS (a standardized test schools are required to give/take), so I've got to go to our auditorium and be bored out of my mind all morning. Yay. Toodles for now!

Monday, February 21, 2005

Things To Talk About

Not having anything to talk about comes from not believing your life is interesting, but after looking through all of the random blogs from the site, I figured my life was just as exciting as a anybody's. OAP practice today after school. I think I get to drive the truck again. Super cool! Yeah, my prince is probably hanging out with yours, in this amazing world of perfect men that no woman is blessed enough to have access to. Maybe some day they'll all want to earn their knighthood and venture forth among the commoners to find their noble cause, and a beautiful young bride to go along with it. That'll be the day when they come rescue us from our respective towers, servanthoods, life-long sleeps, and fiery dragons. I can't wait.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

What I Like About Sundays

Well, Children's Church was fun. All seven of my little ones were really fun and I LOVED reading the lesson. Maybe I should be a teacher... But maybe not. It's all so up in the air right now it's scary. But then it's pretty grounded. Business Management for the scholarships and awesome career opportunities. Maybe life will line out and I'll see this wonderfully clear path open up for me. But it really scares me. Going out in life and knowing there are no second chances to create a future. I just can't be confident that I'm absolutely right and not making the biggest mistake I could possibly make. I wish I had somebody who can confidently tell me, "It's all going to be okay. I'll be there and we'll work it out." My Romeo, so to speak. The ideal man, the one who can sweep me off my feet and make me weak in the knees. Does he exist? If he does, where is he? And when will he come rescue me? Or maybe I'm just nursing empty dreams. I'll let you know when I find out.


Well, spent the night at Porkchop's house. Watched Saw! Pretty good. Has some scary parts, but wasn't enough to give me nightmares. I screamed at one point, but I don't think I'd ever have the guts to cut my own foot off. Pretty gross and extremely painful. Well, it's off to church for me! More later, I think. When I'm at home I might not be able to navigate as well bc our internet's a little different, but hopefully I not completely daft. So toodles!

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Hello Blogosphere

Welcome to my world!!! Let's see, anything you want to tell me and/or mention, feel free. One of my bf's got me set up, so here goes. My brain appearantly works in mysterious ways, because my dreams really trip me out. Especially lately. I dreamed about being trapped in a truck under water and being all worried about the guy who was driving being scared. Go figure. I'm very patient, but when I'm mad, don't mess with me. Fortunately, I only stay mad for about 10 minutes at a time. I like older men mostly, and being kissed and held is the only thing I really need to go along with my movie. Guys who smell good are amazing, and brown eyes are the kind I get lost in. Life is worth living and very good in my world, but I'm willing to tackle all sorts of problems, especially those of my friends. I go from one love to another easily, but when I'm attached I stay attached, even if it's only just "friendship." I love to paint, and the world is my canvas. I'll try any crazy thing at least once unless it's severely against my morals. Bunjee jumping, sky diving, race car driving, trying my hand at being a mechanic, going on tour as a singer, painting a whole houseful of rooms, and designing a landscape are all on my "to do" list. Frogs, mokneys, tigers, horses, and snakes are super-cool and I stay busy with all of my actvities and volunteering. Well, I guess if you've made it to the bottom I did well. If not, toodles anyway!